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The word “mandala” mean circle in the Indian language of sanskrit, but it’s more than just a simple form, it’s a symbol that is found since the beginning of humanity. It represents wholeness and can be considered as an organisational structure of life. Making a mandala helps with meditation, mental concentration and to handle stress. I can say that while I was drawing my mandalas, I found that I disconnected from the day to day hustle and simply thought about repeating the design and what was the next part to do. It was very gratifying seeing how they slowing got bigger.

I definitely recommend you to make your own mandala as it will sooth you and nourish your creativity.

For this Sunday, the lovely Les Antònies have decided that the theme for this Sunday Doodle Party of the Crafty Bloggers was to design a mandala. Mine have been made by using a fine black marker.


And to go with my mandala an quote from the book You Are the Eyes of the World, by Longchenpa.

 "An audience or "viewer" is necessary to create a mandala. Where there is no you, there is no mandala."

Have a great Sunday!!

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